-21-22/09/2019: Αισθητική Χειρουργική Μαστού, Θεσσαλονίκη
-21-23/06/2019: 6th Live Makeover Aesthetic Face Symposium, Αθήνα
-13-14/01/2018: Διημερίδα Μελανώματος, Θεσσαλονίκη
-18-21/10/2017: 12ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πλαστικής Χειρουργικής, Αθήνα
-02-04/06/2016: ISAPS course, Μύκονος
-05-07/11/2015: 11ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πλαστικής Χειρουργικής, Αθήνα
-17-20/09/2015: 9ο BAPRAS Congress, Θεσσαλονίκη
-25-27/06/2015: Lasers and Aesthetics Europe, ISAPS Course, Athens
-08-09/05/2014: The Breast Augmentation Surgical Excellence Course (organised by Mentor), Dubai, U.A.E.
-31/10-02/11/2013: 10ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πλαστικής Χειρουργικής, Αθήνα
-06-10/03/2013: The Dallas Rhinoplasty and Aesthetic Surgery Symposium, USA
-29/01-03/02/2013: IMCAS Conference, Paris, France
-30/09/2012: The MACS- lift Course, Ghent, Belgium
-06-08/06/2012: Rome Breast Surgery Symposium, Rome, Italy
-01-03/06/2012: ISAPS Course, Advances on Facial Rejuvenation, Como, Italy
-25-27/05/2012: Mastoplasties Seminar (organised by Dr Botti), Salo, Italy
-14-15/04/2012: Facial Surgery hands-on cadaveric course, Vienna, Austria
-09-11/03/2012: Fat Grafting Seminar, Rome, Italy
-01-03/03/2012: International Bergamo Rhinoplasty course, Italy
-02-04/11/2011: European Course in Plastic Surgery, Marseille, France
-27-29/10/2010: 17th International Rhinoplasty course, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
-16-21/10/2010: 34th Microsurgery course, Ioannina, Greece
-14/10/2010: Skin substitutes seminar, Thessaloniki, Greece
-04-06/10/2010: 4th International seminar in experimental flaps, Athens, Greece
-22-25/10/2009: 7th Hand Surgery seminar, Metsovo, Greece
-26-27/09/2009: ISAPS Instructional Course, Rhodes, Greece
-13-17/05/2009: International Meeting on Facial Surgery, Mykonos, Greece
-14/04/2009: ABLS (Advanced Burns Life Support), Athens, Greece
-23/02/2009: Essentials in organ donation seminar, Athens, Greece
-14-16/03/2007: Hand Dissection Course, Guy’s Hospital, (Windsor-RCS Eng), U.K.
-23-24/03/2007: Head, Neck and Facial Palsy Course, Manchester, BARRAS, U.K.
-09/08/2006: Immediate Life Support, Lister Hospital, Stevenage, U.K.
-14-16/06/2006: Care of the critically ill surgical patient(CCrISP), R.C.S.(Eng), U.K.
-10-11/04/2006: Core skills in Plastic Surgery, R.C.S.(Eng), Durham, U.K.
-09-10/03/2006: Basic Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck, R.C.S.(Eng), U.K.
-10/02/2006: Acute Burn Care Course, R.C.S.(Eng), U.K.
-07-10/09/2005: International seminar of Hand Microsurgery, Samos, Greece
-24-25/05/2004: ATLS, American College of Surgeons (Renewal in October 2008)
-11/2004-2/2005: The continuous forming seminars, organized by The Association of Plastic Surgery of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece
-11/2003-3/2004: The continuous forming seminars, organized by The Association of General Surgery of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece